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How do I know if a research article is empirical?

Empirical research draws from observed or measured phenomena and derives knowledge from actual experimentation or observation. Empirical research articles are considered original, primary research. In these types of articles, readers will generally find the following sections organized by IMRaD format (Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion).

  • (I)ntroduction: Includes the research hypotheses and the literature review (current research on or related to the topic).


Introduction section of an empirical article with a callout that reads, "The introduction of the article includes the literature review and the research hypotheses for the current study."


  • (M)ethods: How the research was conducted, including participants, research design, and measures used.


Methods section of an empirical article with a callout box that reads, "The method section of the empirical article outlines the experimental/observational procedures employed in the study."
  • (R)esults: What did researchers learn from their study/experiment--this section may include statistical data and research participant quotes.


Results section of an empirical article with a callout box that reads, "The results section includes research findings depicted in the form of charts, graphs, tables or research participant quotes."


  • (D)iscussion:  Research conclusions that state why the study was important and its impact on future research and/or practices.


Discussion section of an empirical article with a callout box that reads, "The discussion section includes research conclusions and potential impacts on future research."


Also check out:

How to find an empirical research article in PsycInfo (video).

What are empirical research articles tutorial

If you need additional assistance, please ask a librarian.


Answered by: Amanda Kalish CSUSM | Last updated on: Jan 06, 2025 | Views: Views: 16062

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