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What materials can go on reserve?

Physical Reserves

Physical Reserves are materials (e.g. textbooks, course readers, microscopes) placed on reserve by instructors and available for checkout at the circulation desks. These physical materials are in high demand by a large number of students; therefore, materials lend for a limited period of time as requested by Faculty.

Electronic Reserves

Electronic Reserves are materials (e.g. book chapters, articles, website links) available online for student use. Access to these materials is restricted to current CSUSM students. Electronic Reserves can be accessed via the library website or through Cougar Courses.

Ebooks from the Library collection can also be placed on Electronic Reserves. Ebooks in the collection have varying user licenses and restrictions. For more information on ebooks, visit the Guide to Library Ebooks

Media Reserves

Media Reserves are films held for a specific course at the request of faculty.  The physical films are available for check out at the 3rd floor Circulation Desk.  The hard copy must remain on reserve at the 3rd floor Circulation Desk throughout the time the film is used in the course. The films can also be added to your Cougar Course container through Video on Demand if requested.  

Prior to accepting a film for Media Reserves, materials that are clearly not supplied by a distributor will be subject to inquiry by staff.  The Library Reserves staff reserve the right to refuse to put on reserve any program for which the legality of the recording is in question.

Off-Air Recordings (not recorded from cable or pay-per-view) are for 1-time use only and may not be used again in the same or subsequent semester without written permission from the supplier.

A variety of media formats may be put on reserve, including the following commercial products:

  • Blu-ray
  • CDs
  • Recorded lectures of the course instructor or student presentations with permission from students
  • Legally produced materials
Answered by: Kelly Ann Sam | Last updated on: Jun 13, 2024 | Views: Views: 29

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