How do I narrow my topic?


You will need to narrow your topic so that you can research it more efficiently.  One way to narrow your topic is to explore it and then do background research. Topic exploration is different from background research: you need to explore the topic before you select your final focus so that you have a sense of all the available subtopics out there.

Start with the basics; understand the who, what, where, when and why; basics facts, etc. This will lead you to a specific sub-topic you want to examine. For example. ChatGPT is a subtopic of the broader topic Artifical intelligence (AI). Try using this research guide  or the worksheets below to help you.

Please reach out to a librarian for help with your topic.  Click on the Getting Research Help page to find out how you can get help either through library chat, Zoom, phone, email, or in-person.

For in-depth help with your research make an appointment or contact the subject librarian for your area.

  • Last Updated Mar 07, 2024
  • Views 21
  • Answered By Jerry Limberg

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